What is the meaning of simplify?
simplify [ˈsɪmplɪˌfaɪ]
vb -fies, -fying, -fied (tr)
1. to make less complicated, clearer, or easier
So what exactly does this mean for me? Where do I begin?
First of all, I am a pack rat. It is hard for me to rid of things because I just never know when I might need it again...even if I haven't used it in the last couple of years!
Second of all, I love shopping. I really have to refrain from that 'great deal'! Do I really need another pair of shoes or purse? Or that excellent glass pyrex dish with lid (even if I already have lots)?
Third of all, I have to stop thinking that I am wonder woman and slow down. I often try to do too much in the day and end up feeling disappointed and frustrated when I haven't accomplished my whole to-do list.
So what is the remedy for these situations?
To simplify.
And how exactly do I accomplish that?
These are some things I am going to strive to do, to accomplish my goal to simplify:
1. Go room by room and de-clutter. Get rid of all the things that I don’t need. If I'm unsure about some items, I will put those things in a box, and if I don’t open the box for 6 months or more, I'll get rid of it.
2. Simplify my to-do list. Firstly, write down the top 3 things that need to be done. Then go through the rest of my list and take off the things that aren’t absolutely needed to be done that day.
3. Shop for things that are only absolutely necessary. Even if something is at a spectacular price, ask myself, "Do I/we REALLY need that?"
4. Single-task, don't multi-task. Concentrate on one task at a time.
5. Create simple and healthy meal plans. At the beginning and middle of the week chop up veggies and anything else that can be prepared in advance so that it will make meal time on that day easier and less stressful.
6. Always ask myself, "Will this simplify my life?"
Here is looking forward to a simpler, less cluttered life in 2012!
Love your idea!! This, too, is my first year with OLW! I'm considering the same "theme" as you... actually, I've already started!! But, I've been trying to come up with the right word... release, free, clear?? I do like simplify. I might have to "borrow" it! :-)
ReplyDeleteThat's awesome that you have started already!! I am so excited about this year. To live simpler, to be content with what I already have, and to be less stressed! :) All the best in your journey this year!!
ReplyDeleteGreat plans! I love your ideas! I really need to incorporate this into my life as well...especially the multi-tasking thing...I over-schedule myself waaaaaay too much! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteThanks Sarah! It is definitely what I've need to do the past few years! I started yesterday and managed to clean out an entire box of stuff. I recycled ALOT! And it felt so GOOD! :)) Happy New Year to you!